Downtown Development Redevelopment Fund (DDRF)

Funding the Future of Downtown

Over the past twenty years, the City of Tulsa and PartnerTulsa have leveraged the Downtown Development Redevelopment Fund (DDRF) to assist in the development of Downtown Tulsa. The DDRF has contributed to 850 new residential units within the Inner Dispersal Loop (IDL) and has proven to be instrumental to the revitalization of and reinvestment in Tulsa’s urban core. Past projects include but are not limited to the Meridia, East End Village, the Mayo 420 building, Renaissance Uptown, and the Tribune Lofts. The DDRF is funded by four separate Tulsa voter approved funding packages; T2013 Improve Our Tulsa, 1996 Sales Tax, Vision 2025, and the 2006 Third Penny Extension. There is currently $8.1 million available for projects in 2023.

If you are interested in investing in Downtown Tulsa’s future, please see the Request for Proposals linked in this Section. Proposals are scheduled to be due by developers on June 2, 2023 and successful application for the DDRF are to be selected in August of 2023.

Request for Proposals

Learn more about the Request for Proposals below
Phase 1
Request for Proposals Released
(April 3, 2023)
PartnerTulsa announces $8.1 million in available funding and issues RFP for projects.
Phase 2
Proposals Due
(June 2, 2023)
Development proposals are due.
Phase 3
Evaluation of Proposals
(June-August, 2023)
PartnerTulsa and City of Tulsa staff evaluate proposals
Phase 4
Awards Announced
(August, 2023)
PartnerTulsa announces awards for successful projects.