Affordable Housing Trust Fund

A person lays cement at a construction site.

Creating Quality Housing Opportunities for All Tulsans

The Affordable Housing Trust Fund is a city-wide fund for the production and preservation of affordable housing to further the City of Tulsa’s mission to create quality housing opportunities for all Tulsans. Through Affordable Housing Trust Fund programs, residents receive the resources they need to move from homelessness to homeownership. The Affordable Housing Trust Fund provides loans and grants through the following programs: affordable housing development loans, homebuyer assistance grants, landlord incentive grants and rental assistance grants. Learn more about each of these below.

Application Information

Find out how to apply for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund below, outlined in four phases.
Phase 1
Phase 1
Those interested in applying to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund must first attend an information session. Applications are always accepted and prospective applicants are encouraged to meet with PartnerTulsa’s team to discuss proposed applications.
Phase 2
Phase 2
After being reviewed by PartnerTulsa staff for feasibility, applications will be reviewed by the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee on a quarterly basis in March, June, September, and December.
Phase 3
Phase 3
Approved applications will receive a term sheet with the Committee’s recommendations for the amount of funding and any conditions for funding. Unapproved applicants will meet with the PartnerTulsa team to discuss the reasons the application was not approved, which will include referrals to other sources of support for a project as available.
Phase 4
Phase 4
After the term sheet is signed, the approved applicant will receive a development or grant agreement for funding from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. When all terms are agreed upon, the agreement will be presented to the PartnerTulsa’s Board of Trustees for final approval.
Phase 5
Phase 5
Implementation & Monitoring
  • Affordable Housing Development Loans
  • Homebuyer Assistance Grants
  • Landlord Incentive Grants
  • Rental Assistance Grants
  • Application Information
Affordable Housing Development Loans
A ring of keys on a belt loop.
Affordable Housing Development Loans

These loans provide gap financing in the form of zero-interest loans for the production and preservation of affordable rental housing, including new construction and rehabilitation projects. Housing is deemed affordable in Tulsa when the rent of a specific property is less than 30 percent of the household’s annual income that is less than 60 percent of the Average Median Income (AMI).

Homebuyer Assistance Grants
A hand holds out a set of keys on a ring.
Homebuyer Assistance Grants

The Affordable Housing Trust Fund will provide grants to agencies for homebuyer assistance programs. Increasing homeownership opportunities is essential to expanding opportunities for savings and wealth building, protecting residents from displacement in areas likely to be affected by gentrification, and honoring the City of Tulsa’s commitment to equitable community development.

Landlord Incentive Grants
A person sits at a desk and types on a computer .
Landlord Incentive Grants

Through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, PartnerTulsa funds landlord incentive programs through grants to community partners. Landlord incentives provide rewards and benefits to landlords who provide quality housing opportunities to tenants experiencing barriers to housing, such as a history of eviction.

Rental Assistance Grants
Two people shake hands.
Rental Assistance Grants

The Affordable Housing Trust Fund provides grants to community partners for rental assistance programs to help tenants become or remain stably housed. Rental assistance will further the City of Tulsa’s mission to create quality housing opportunities for all Tulsans and honor its core value of housing as a human right.

Application Information
A person fills out an application with a pen on paper.
Application Information

Those interested in applying to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund must first attend an information session. Applications are received on a rolling, quarterly basis and will be reviewed by the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee, appointed by PartnerTulsa’s Board of Trustees. For information about how to apply, please review the policy and application here.

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Contact Us

Kristin Maun
Director, Housing Development and Incentives (918)-218-9589